MACHMANI also known as Meen Mukta / Fish Pearl is rare MANI which comes from FISHES.

It makes the moon extremely strong and thus helps in big and small decision making situations. As moon is cause of mental and emotional stability in one’s horoscope, a person who wears it , gains high mental and emotional stability which makes extremely difficult for planets like rahu, ketu, shani , mangal to cause any ill effect on the person as they mostly attack the most vulnerable people . It helps from ill effects from planets like Shani, Mangal , Ketu and Rahu .It is seen , most of the things derived from fish are beneficial for human kind and so as this mani/mukta/fish pearl.
Extremely helpful in Mahadasha / Antardasha of Rahu , Mangal , Ketu and Shani . Helps in nullifying their effects . It increase your wealth , helps in maintaining good health , helpful in Vastu Dosh Nivaran and also in maintaining peace of mind .
It is worn in a silver locket pendant .